"One More Night"은 미국 팝 록 밴드 Maroon 5의 네 번째 스튜디오 앨범 <Overexposed>의 수록곡으로 Adam Levine, Shellback, Max Martin, Savan Kotecha가 함께 만들고 Shellback(본명 : Karl Johan Schuster)과 Martin이 프로듀싱 하였다.

빌보드 HOT100에서 무려 9주 동안이나 연속으로 1위를 차지했고, 캐나다, 뉴질랜드, 벨기에, 한국의 가온 국제차트등에서 차트 1위를 차지했으며, 영국, 호주, 오스트리아, 체코, 덴마크, 핀란드, 헝가리, 레바논, 멕시코, 노르웨이, 폴란드, 스코틀랜드등에서 TOP10에 들며 전세계적으로 크게 사랑받았고 월드와이드 세일즈로 700만장의 판매고를 기록하며 그 해 8번째로 많이 팔린 곡으로 기록되었다.

이 곡은 평단으로부터 긍정적인 평가와 부정적인 평가가 혼합된 평가를 받았다. 대부분의 평론가들은 "summer catchy song"(특정 계절을 타겟으로 발표되는 노래)라고 부르며, Adam Levine의 보컬과 이 곡에 대해 호평을 아끼지 않았으나, 일부 평론가들은 lack of identity(아이덴티티 부족)과 criticized the song's melody(곡의 멜로디를 비판)했다.

뮤직비디오는 Peter Berg가 감독했고, Adam Levine은 큰 경기를 위해 혼련에 시간을 보내면서 동시에 여자 친구와 어린 딸을 부양하기 위해 고군분투하는 권투 선수 역할을 직접 맏아 열연했는데, 유튜브에서 10억뷰가 넘는 조회수를 기록했을만큼 큰 인기를 얻었다.

Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
[Verse 1]
You and I go hard at each other like we're going to war
You and I go rough, we keep throwing things and slamming the doors
You and I get so damn dysfunctional, we stopped keeping score
You and I get sick, yeah, I know that we can't do this no more
Yeah but baby, there you go again, there you go again
Making me love you
Yeah, I stopped using my head, using my head
Let it all go
Got you stuck on my body, on my body like a tattoo
And now I'm feeling stupid, feeling stupid crawling back to you
So I cross my heart, and I hope to die
That I'll only stay with you one more night
And I know I've said it a million times
But I'll only stay with you one more night
[Verse 2]
Try to tell you "no," but my body keeps on telling you "yes"
Try to tell you "stop," but your lipstick got me so out of breath
I'll be waking up in the morning, probably hating myself
And I'll be waking up, feeling satisfied, but guilty as hell
Yeah but baby, there you go again, there you go again
Making me love you (Making me love you)
Yeah, I stopped using my head, using my head
Let it all go (Let it all go)
Got you stuck on my body, on my body like a tattoo (Like a tattoo, yeah)
And now I'm feeling stupid, feeling stupid crawling back to you
So I cross my heart, and I hope to die (Yeah)
That I'll only stay with you one more night (Oh)
And I know I've said it a million times (Yeah)
But I'll only stay with you one more night (Yeah)
(Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)
Yeah, baby, give me one more night
(Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)
Yeah, baby, give me one more night (Whoa, yeah)
(Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)
Yeah, baby, give me one more night
(Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)
Oh yeah yeah
But baby, there you go again, there you go again
Making me love you
Yeah, I stopped using my head, using my head
Let it all go
Got you stuck on my body, on my body like a tattoo, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
So I cross my heart, and I hope to die (Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh)
That I'll only stay with you one more night (Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)
And I know I've said it a million times
(Oh, I've said it a million times)
But I'll only stay with you one more night
(Yeah, baby, give me one more night)
So I cross my heart and I hope to die (Yeah, yeah)
That I'll only stay with you one more night (Yeah, yeah)
And I know I've said it a million times (Yeah, yeah)
But I'll only stay with you one more night (Yeah, yeah)
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