"Making Love Out of nothing at All"은 호주의 소프트 록 듀오인 Air Supply의 컴필레이션 앨범 <Greatest Hits>에 수록된 유일한 신곡으로 Jim Steinman이 작사 작곡한 파워 발라드곡이다.

이 곡은 빌보드 HOT 100에서 3주 동안 2위에 올랐고, 캐나다 차트에서 3위에 오르는등 북미에서 많은 사랑을 받으며 미국에서만 400만장이 넘는 판매기록을 세우며 큰 성공을 거두었는데, 이 곡이 그들의 마지막 TOP10 히트곡이 되었다.
(이 곡은 안타깝게도 계속 Bonnie Tyler의 "Total Eclipse of the Heart"에 밀려 1위를 차지하지 못한 체, 2위로 만족해야만 했는데, 공교롭게도 두 곡 모두 Jim Steinman이 작사 작곡한 곡이었다.)

이 노래는 Jim Steinman이 작곡했던 Rob Cohen 감독의 1980년 영화 <A Small Circle of Friends>의 메인 타이틀 테마를 재작업한 것인데,
당초 Jim Steinman은 Meat Loaf의 <Midnight at Lost and Found>앨범에 수록하기 위해 "Total Eclipse of the Heart"와 "Making Love Out of nothing at All"을 만들었지만, Meat Loaf의 레이블은 Jim Steinman의 웅장한 Rock Opera 스타일을 탐탁치 않아해서 작곡 비용의 지불을 거부했고, 두 곡은 각각 Bonnie Tyler와 Air Supply를 만나 대 성공을 거두게 된다.

뮤직비디오는 2가지 버전이 제작되었는데, 초기버전은 Air Supply 의 두 멤버인 Russell Hitchcock과 Graham Russell이 투어를 떠나고 돌아오는 내용을 담고 있는데 실제 부인 Jodi Russell가 연인으로 가 직접 출연하여 스토리까지 연기한다.
I know just how to whisper
And I know just how to cry
I know just where to find the answers
And I know just how to lie
I know just how to fake it
And I know just how to scheme
I know just when to face the truth
And then I know just when to dream
And I know just where to touch you
And I know just what to prove
I know when to pull you closer
And I know when to let you loose
And I know the night is fading
And I know the time's gonna fly
And I'm never gonna tell you everything I gotta tell you
But I know I gotta give it a try
And I know the roads to riches
And I know the ways to fame
I know all the rules and then I know how to break 'em
And I always know the name of the game
But I don't know how to leave you
And I'll never let you fall
And I don't know how you do it
Making love out of nothing at all
(Making love) Out of nothing at all
(Making love) Out of nothing at all
(Making love)
Out of nothing at all
(Making love) Out of nothing at all
(Making love) Out of nothing at all
(Making love) Out of nothing at all
Every time I see you all the rays of the sun are all
Streaming through the waves in your hair
And every star in the sky is taking aim at your eyes
Like a spotlight
The beating of my heart is a drum and it's lost
And it's looking for a rhythm like you
You can take the darkness from the pit of the night
And turn it to a beacon burning endlessly bright
I've gotta follow it cause everything I know
Well it's nothing till I give it to you
I can make the runner stumble
I can make the final block
And I can make every tackle at the sound of the whistle
I can make all the stadiums rock
I can make tonight forever
Or I can make it disappear by the dawn
And I can make you every promise that has ever been made
And I can make all your demons be gone
But I'm never gonna make it without you
Do you really wanna see me crawl
And I'm never gonna make it like you do
Making love out of nothing at all
(Making love) Out of nothing at all
(Making love) Out of nothing at all
(Making love) Out of nothing at all
(Making love) Out of nothing at all
(Making love) Out of nothing at all
(Making love, love)
Out of nothing at all (Making love)
Out of nothing at all (Making love)
Out of nothing at all (Making love, love)
Out of nothing at all (Making love)
Out of nothing at all (Making love)
Out of nothing at all (Making love, love, love)
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